电价,小水电发展的桎梏。 我国是一个小水电资源丰富的国家,可开发的资源有7000万千瓦。但目前全国的小水电开发量仅为12.5%,还有巨大的潜力没有开发出来,其最核心的问题是电价。小水电的价格与价值严重背离,电价构成中未含扩大再生产所需资金,小水电建设资金不足严重束缚了小水电的发展。因此,改革电价,是增强小水电活力的唯一途径。
Electricity price, the development of small hydropower. China is a country rich in small hydropower resources. The resources that can be developed are 70 million kilowatts. However, at present, the amount of SHP development in the country is only 12.5%, and there is still huge potential that has not been developed. The core issue is the price of electricity. The price and value of small hydropower seriously deviated. The electricity price structure did not include the funds needed for the expansion of production. The shortage of small hydropower construction funds severely restricted the development of small hydropower. Therefore, reform of electricity prices is the only way to increase the vitality of small hydropower.