The University of Pretoria (South Africa) reported the efficacy of using and combining penicillin with sulfadiazine (Sd) in the treatment of pneumonia, respectively. They divided 200 pneumonia patients into three groups, treated with penicillin, sulfadiazine and penicillin plus sulfadiazine respectively. Bacteria isolated from sputum of 82 patients were tested for susceptibility in a glassware and found that one in four was resistant to penicillin or sulfadiazine. However, there was no significant difference between the three groups in the treatment outcome. The group of patients treated with penicillin and sulfadiazine had the longest average fever period (5.1 days); however, if the patient’s pre-admission period was taken into account, then the group of patients treated with penicillin also had an average fever period of This similar (penicillin treatment group was 9.3 days, penicillin sulfa treatment group was 9.2 days). camp