大豆疫霉Phytophthoramegaspermaf .sp .glycinea是典型的土传病害。周肇慧等(1 996 )证实 ,大豆疫病可以种子带菌 ,并以卵孢子和菌丝体存在于种子的种皮、胚种子叶里 ,且卵孢子只产生于种皮。它可以通过种子及病残体传播 ,也可以通过混杂在
Phytophthora megaspermaf .sp. Glycinea is a typical soil-borne disease. Zhou Zhaohui et al. (1996) confirmed that soybean blight can be seed-borne and exist as oospores and mycelia in the seed coat and embryo seed of the seed, with oospores produced only from the seed coat. It can spread through seeds and disease, can also be mixed in