目的:探讨西药房退药的常见因素及预防措施。方法 :对2012年9月~2013年5月期间我院西药房收集的231张退药处方进行回顾性分析,总结西药房退药的常见因素及主要科室,并提出具有针对性的预防措施。结果 :患者在用药后出现不良反应而导致退药所占的比率为35.9%,明显高于其他因素导致的退药比率,差异显著(P<0.05),具有统计学意义。在我院所有的临床科室中,儿科的退药率最高,占24.7%,其次分别为神经内科(19.5%)、放疗科(17.3%)、免疫科(16.5%)、肾内科(13.4%)、感染科(6.5%)、其他科室(2.2%)。结论:患者在用药后出现不良反应是西药房最常见的退药因素,因此,临床上应增强用药的合理性与规范性,降低药物不良反应的发生率,同时医院还应建立完备的退药制度,以减少退药现象的发生。
Objective: To explore the common factors and preventive measures of withdrawal from western pharmacy. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted on 231 prescriptions withdrawn from western pharmacies in our hospital from September 2012 to May 2013 to summarize the common factors and major departments of withdrawal from western pharmacies and to put forward targeted preventive measures. Results: The rate of withdrawal after adverse drug reaction in patients was 35.9%, which was significantly higher than that of other factors (P <0.05), which was statistically significant. Among all the clinical departments in our hospital, the highest rate of retreat was in pediatrics, accounting for 24.7%, followed by neurology (19.5%), radiotherapy (17.3%), immunology (16.5%) and nephrology (13.4% , Infection (6.5%), other departments (2.2%). Conclusion: The adverse reactions of patients after treatment are the most common withdrawal factors in western pharmacy. Therefore, the rationality and normativity of medication should be enhanced clinically to reduce the incidence of adverse drug reactions. At the same time, the hospital should also establish a complete withdrawal System to reduce the incidence of withdrawal.