The new product listing often appear inconsistent with the consumer comments, the question is whether the inconsistency of these comments on the potential consumers must be negative? In the past most of the inconsistent research does not distinguish between the product is an existing product or a new product, the conclusion Nor has it been unified. For new products, consumers will be more concerned with the sociality of buying behavior. Therefore, the social value brought by the purchase of new products with inconsistent comments will have a positive impact on consumers’ decision-making. This article explores this issue with one empirical data and two experiments. In an empirical study based on the movie industry, the higher the inconsistency found in reviews, the higher the movie box office. In Experiment 1, we further verify that the inconsistency of new product reviews has a positive impact on consumers’ willingness to buy, and because new product innovations (both progressive and new) have an impact on consumer purchasing decisions, we introduce new products Type as a manipulative variable, it is found that the comment inconsistency of the new product has a more significant impact on the purchase intention of the consumer than the progressive product. The second experiment verifies the intermediary role of social value and verifies the regulatory role of new product type on mediating variables.