Macau Auto,Yacht and Business Aviation Exhibition 2017:Macau in spotlight

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  Macau Auto, Yacht and Business Aviation Exhibition, themed"Grand Gathering in Macau" , is organized by UFI member Nam Kwong (Group) Company Limited, state-owned company China National Machinery Industry Corporation and China Aviation Supplies Holding Company. As the first professional land-sea-air show in the Asia-pacific region, the remarkable event has been successfully held for the past six years and won extensive participation of Macau exhibition industry. Over the years, the event has been taking leading position in terms of exhibition space, visitor number and professionalism. Today, the Auto, Yacht and Business Aviation Exhibitions has been accredited as an UFI-approved event and edged into the top tier of international exhibitions.
  Quality determines value. Through six years of unremitting efforts, the Macau Auto, Yacht and Business Aviation Exhibition welcomed a total of approximately a million visitors, including 180,000 visitors from Brazil, Portugal, the United States, Italy, Singapore, Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Brunei, Mozambique, Hungary, Slovakia, Vietnam, Switzerland, Iran, mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, contributing 6 billion Macau patacas to local economy.
  On 3 to 5, November, 2017, the Macau Auto, Yacht and Business Aviation Exhibition will again to be held in Macau. With a total exhibition space of 100,000 square meters, there will be 200 internationally renowned brands of cars, yachts and business airplanes exhibiting, and over 200,000 visitors are expected to attend the landmark gathering. The exhibition will be supported by a series of brilliant activities which will offer visitors chances to closely experience high-end lifestyles and Macau’s diversified cultures.
  The Auto, Yacht and Business Aviation Exhibition, makes use of the geographical advantage of Macau, which radiates to Southeast Asia and connects with international markets. This gives full play to the business and service platform of Portuguese countries, and coordinates with the development strategies of the Central Government and the Macau SAR, such as such as"Belt and Road","Maritime Silk Road","Guangdong and Macau Free Travel Yachting" and "Specialised Financial Services". Through the exhibition, the industry can enhance its scale and quality and actively promote the development of high-end commerce, tourism, leisure and other industries in Macau, so as to add fresh vigor and vitality to tourism in the region.
  As one of the organizers of Grand Gathering in Macauthe Auto, Yacht and Business Aviation Exhibition, Nam Kwong International Convention & Exhibitions Co., Ltd is a UFI member and will also organize trade fairs in fields including automotive supplies, Chinese medicine, culture, entertainment,and provide building and organizing work for large and middle scale exhibitions, and the company welcomes extensive cooperation from the industry.
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