
来源 :法制现代化研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tomily98
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起源于美国的法律与发展研究运动,是在第二次世界大战后,一系列新独立的民族国家面临急迫的发展任务,而以美国为首的西方发达国家推行发展援助政策的实践背景下产生的。进步的观念、法律改革运动、“法律与社会”研究等乃是其知识起源。法律与发展研究特别注重行为与调查以及定量分析,但缺乏足够的理论素养。该研究是一种多学科结合的综合性研究,具有广泛的国际影响。从其发展过程来看,它经历了酝酿孕育、成长与兴盛、批判与反省、衰落与存续四个时期。其中,法律改革与法律的发展、有关城市化所涉及的法律问题、法律与政治发展、法律与经济发展、人权与发展权等构成其基本主题。从法律与发展研究运动的总体来看,无论是在理论上还是在实践中,它都既有所得又有所失,但它对法学理论和法律实践,以及对发展理论和发展实践的多方面的积极意义的确不容低估。 After the Second World War, a series of newly independent nationalities faced the urgent task of development. However, the legal and development research movement originated in the United States came under the background of the practice of the development aid policy of the developed countries led by the United States . The concept of progress, the law reform movement, the “law and society” research, etc. are the origins of their knowledge. Law and development research pays special attention to behavior and investigation as well as quantitative analysis, but lacks sufficient theoretical knowledge. The study is a multidisciplinary and comprehensive study with a wide range of international implications. Judging from its development process, it has undergone four periods of deliberation, growth and prosperity, criticism and reflection, decline and survival. Among them, law reform and law development, legal issues related to urbanization, law and political development, law and economic development, human rights and the right to development constitute the basic themes. From the overall point of view of the law and development research movement, both in theory and in practice, it has both gains and losses, but it has a great impact on both legal theory and legal practice, as well as aspects of development theory and development practice The positive meaning can not be underestimated.
“我预计在未来5—7年当中,中国的数字文化产业将占到中国文化产业总产值的50%—70%左右,未来将有很多发展变化的趋势,文化和科技的融合可能会全面地塑造我们的生活方式,这里将产生很多新的发展趋势。” 2011年11月10日,第六届文化创意博览会·中国文化创意产业发展国际论坛上,北京大学文化产业研究院副院长陈少峰语出惊人地表达了自己的看法。  究竟如何做到文化和科技的融合?如何在文化创意产业的实践中
A Playbill Thu, 24 Nov 2005 9:30A.M. PST (By John Nathan) Harold Pinter will not collect his Nobel Prize for Literature on Dec. 10 as planned because of health
2009年6月23日是联合国公务员日,联合国息部举行了隆重的庆祝和表彰活动。中心执行主席托宇翔带领中国国际文化传播中心成员和联合国经济和社会事务部共同主办了“2009 June
Scientists are rapidly developing technology of genetically engineering fast-growing supertrees. The economic advantages for timber companies seem clear. The en
如此宏大的论述,归结到最后,却是为了支持一个非常实用的诉求:在政府的学术、教育管理机构那里,把国学变成一级学科。这个诉求颇为悲壮,凸显了中国教育、学术体制的荒诞与国学在现代大学体制内生存的艰难。    过去一百年间,“国学”每一次登场,都会引起广泛争议。人民大学国学院高调问世以来,争议就未停止。但以人大国学院为大本营。大学国学机构学者组成的国学派,似乎已经占据上风,清华国学院的恢复就是国学复兴的高
一    一个黄昏, 我和老乡华在公路学院的操场上漫步,我放肆地打着呵欠。  操场旁的栏杆上倚着两个老外,一个很白,一个很黑。华说:“这是我们学校的留学生。”  那时,我刚从一个小地方来到这个大城市学法语,内心充满了紧张和自卑,学习很拼命,经常神经兮兮地利用一切可能的机会操练法语。  走到他们身旁,我试探地问候,“晚上好,先生。”黑人愣了一下,张大玻璃球般的黑眼睛,又惊又喜地叫了一声:“怎么?你