病例:患者男,34岁,已婚,因结婚5年,未避孕3年且性生活正常而未生育就诊。否认长期有毒物质接触史、手术外伤史及家族遗传疾病史。首次作精液检查时,高倍镜下可偶见精子,均为畸形。以后多次复查精液结果相同。内分泌检查:FSH 4.1 mIU/ml,LH 7.2 mIU/ml,T 303.9ng/dl,PRL
Case: Male patient, 34 years old, married, not married due to 5 years of marriage, 3 years without contraception and normal sex life. Denied long-term exposure to toxic substances, surgical trauma and family history of genetic disease. For the first time as a semen examination, high power microscope can occasionally sperm are deformed. Sperm after repeated review of the same results. Endocrine examination: FSH 4.1 mIU / ml, LH 7.2 mIU / ml, T 303.9 ng / dl, PRL