龙日格丹达尔 ,喀拉喀蒙古人 ,生于 1842年 ,卒于 1915年 ,是 19世纪末 2 0世纪初著名蒙医药学家。他从小受戒学法 ,先后读通了佛教五明 ,尤其酷爱医方明。由于成绩卓著 ,成为了蒙古地区所公认的神医。早年因受迫害未能著名 ,后因十三世达赖喇嘛的发现和推荐 ,在蒙古地区迅速成名。他先后撰写出版了《诃黎勒晶珠解疑难经》《塔教得》等 5部著作 ,在蒙医药学术界产生了极其深远的影响。
Dragon Dayang Dandar, the ancients of Karakatang, was born in 1842, died in 1915, is the famous Mongolian medicine scientist at the beginning of the 19th century and the late 20th century. Since he was a child, he learned the Five Principles of Buddhism, especially his love of medicine. As a result of excellence, Mongolia has become recognized as a doctor. In the early years of his persecution, he failed to make a name for himself and later became famous in Mongolia due to the discovery and recommendation of the 13th Dalai Lama. He has successively published and published 5 books, “Heha Lele Beads,” “Tajdad”, etc., which have had a profound and far-reaching impact on Mongolian medicine and academic circles.