The aeration characteristics of the semi-industrial flotation column (0.91 m × 13.5 m) and the laboratory-type flotation column (0.057 m × 9.5 m) in the capture zone operated by air and aqueous media are determined by pressure measurement, and these Features are determined in an intermittent and continuous manner. For semi-industrial flotation columns, the minimum distance between each pressure measurement point should be kept in order to obtain reliable results. For laboratory flotation columns, the cubic polynomial is required to fit the pressure-height data. It has been shown that the pressure gauge is less sensitive to sensor and process disturbances than pressure transducers. The distribution of aeration shows that the aeration volume almost doubled in the range of flotation column height of 8 ~ 10m, the distribution characteristic curve is not linear, and the gradient along the top of the flotation column increases. This is especially true when the gas velocity is greater than 1 cm / s, and the characteristic curve can not be predicted by a simple bubble diffusion model. Discussion of the newly discovered inference that the inflated volume increases significantly with increasing catchment height under various design and operating conditions of the flotation column is discussed.