网络大学应该是什么样子?虽然网院的实践已经有几年了,但公众的认识一直比较模糊。业内专家认为,毕竟网络学院还在试点过程中,近两年才逐步摸索出一些比较成功的教学管理模式和教学理念,还来不及向社会大众推广说明。 “等我们的探索到达一定阶段,等我们有了第一批毕业生,我们才好向社会说自己的成就”,很多院长这样说。身为多年从事高等教育的工作者,他们朴实的思想中拒绝没有事实根据的评说和夸大。
What should a cyber-university be like? Although it has been a few years since its inception, the public’s understanding has been rather vague. Industry experts believe that, after all, the network college is still in the pilot process, the last two years to gradually explore some of the more successful teaching management and teaching philosophy, it is too late to promote the community to explain. “So long as our exploration reaches a certain stage and we have the first batch of graduates, we will be able to tell our society what we have done,” many of the dean said. As a worker who has been engaged in higher education for many years, his simple thoughts rejected no factual comment or exaggeration.