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工程监理工作主要是根据建设单位的委托,接受其项目管理工作,并对参建单位的建设行为进行监督管理和提供专业化服务。工程监理工作主要方法是规划、控制、协调。工程监理的主要任务是控制建设工程单位的投资、进度和质量。监理的基本目的是帮助建设工程单位的计划目标在实施中得以实现。本文对工程监理和项目管理进行比较分析,提出工程监理和项目管理接轨思路。对工程监理和项目管理接轨方法提出建议,促进工程监理和项目管理接轨的实现。 Engineering supervision is mainly commissioned by the construction unit to accept its project management, construction supervision and management of the construction unit and provide specialized services. The main method of project supervision is to plan, control and coordinate. The main task of project supervision is to control the construction project unit’s investment, progress and quality. The basic purpose of supervision is to help the construction units to achieve the planned objectives in the implementation. This article carries on the comparative analysis to the project supervision and the project management, puts forward the idea of ​​integrating the project supervision with the project management. Proposes to integrate the project supervision and project management methods to promote the realization of the integration of project supervision and project management.
毫无疑问,谷歌的这一战略举措无疑将与微软长久以来的竞争拉入了白热化的战局,甚至有分析人士称,谷歌此次计划推出PC操作系统是对微软高调进军搜索市场的反击。  2009年7月7日,谷歌在其官方博客中宣布,将推出基于Chrome浏览器的PC操作系统。根据介绍,此次谷歌研发的操作系统将主要适用于目前引领市场热点的上网本,这款开源操作系统将被命名为Chrome OS,计划于2010年下半年上市。其特点在于高