Patient, female, 34 years old, unmarried. The left breast mass was 7 years old. It was found on the nipple, measuring approximately 4cm x 3cm x 2cm in size. It was oblate, hard and painless, and grew slowly. It increased to 6cm x 5cm x 4cm 5 years later. In the last 2 years, the increase has accelerated with pain, and the mass has filled the entire left breast. After 2 months of central swelling, ulceration, wounds have more necrotic tissue and secretions, taste malignancy, unhealed, for the first time to the hospital for treatment. Outpatient clinics took two consecutive biopsy of ulcers and reported “chronic inflammation without cancerous cells.” Physical examination: Moderate nutrition, left breast significantly enlarged, huge mass occupying left breast. Size 25cm × 18cm × 10cm, texture is hard, the central surface of the surface is ulcerated cauliflower, wound surface 10cm × 8cm, gray and black, there are more necrotic tissue and exudate, bad odor, the substrate can promote. The left axillary fossa was not enlarged and the lymph nodes were enlarged. The right breast was normal. Chest X-ray examination showed no abnormalities in cardiopulmonary fistula. One week later, a simple resection of the left breast was performed. A 3-5 cm incision at the edge of the tumor was performed with a spindle-shaped incision and free flaps on both sides. The pectoralis major fascia was removed together with the entire breast tissue. Specimen observation: cut surface was gray, a plurality of nodules 2.5 ~ 4.0cm in diameter, during which there are multi-room small vesicles, full of pale yellow serum, visible old hemorrhage and necrosis, no calcification. package