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光阴似箭,日月如梭,我已过耳顺之年,组织上已明确让我从现职岗位上退下来,不当山西省粮食厅的厅长了。这一点我思想是有准备的,每个人都会有这一天的,所以对我的震动也并不很大。但影响多少还是有一些的,因为这毕竟在一个人的生活中是一件大事。既然是一件大事,就应该想办法处理好,使其自然地渡过去。我认为要过好这一关,首先要解决认识问题,好多人出问题,就是认识问题没有解决好,思想上想不通,再加上生活上不习惯,两头夹击,就容易出毛病。我的看法,作为一个领导干部应该想通这件事,这是自然发展的规律,又是国家的规定。 Time flies, the sun and the moon flies, I have had the ear to ear years, the organization has clearly let me retire from the current post, improper Shanxi Province Food Department’s director. This is my thought is prepared, everyone will have this day, so my shock is not great. However, there is still some impact, because after all, in a person’s life is a major event. Since it is a major event, we should think of ways to deal with it so that it will naturally pass by. I think that if we want to improve this level, we must first solve the problem of cognition. If many people make a mistake, they will not understand the problem well, think of no idea and add to the unaccustomed life. My view, as a leading cadre should figure out this matter, this is the law of natural development, but also the state’s rules.
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one of the lessons China has learned over the past 30 or more years is to “build roads before wealth.” Infrastructure is vital to its economic development and the country is now well positioned in thi
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