随着投影技术和产品的成熟,投影机产品应用普及的步伐在加快。在我们工作、生 活和社会活动的各种环境和场景下,都可以看到投影机的身影。 为了帮助读者更好地认知投影产品价值,启迪投影领域开拓更多实用新颖的投影新 应用,从本期开始,我们将在P&D专栏中介绍来自国内外的特色投影应用,以及各投影 厂商面向特定应用推出的产品技术。
With the projection technology and product maturity, the popularity of projector products is accelerating. Projectors can be seen in the contexts and settings of our work, our life and our social activities. In order to help readers to better understand the value of projection products, enlightening the field of projection to develop more innovative new application of innovative projects, from the beginning of this issue, we will introduce P & D columns from the domestic and foreign characteristics of projection applications, as well as the projector manufacturers for Application-specific product technology.