珍珠与珍珠层功效相近,组成相似,主要含碳酸钙,并含有机物和微量元素。海产珍珠稀少珍贵,而珍珠层来源丰富、价廉易得,故有许多中成药方均以珍珠层粉代替珍珠粉入药。本文用氨基酸自动分析仪测定了三角帆蚌珍珠和珍珠层水解氨基酸的含量。现将结果报道如下。一、材料与仪器材料珍珠粉:为蚌科动物三角帆蚌Hyriopsiscumingii(Lea)的淡水养殖珍珠磨粉而成。珍珠样品(浙江)由普宁流沙药品公司提供。珍珠层粉:为蚌科动物三角帆蚌Hyriopsis cum-ingii(Lea)贝壳内珍珠层经加工磨制成粉末,贝壳来
Pearl and nacre are similar in effectiveness and similar in composition. They mainly contain calcium carbonate and contain organic substances and trace elements. Marine pearls are rare and valuable, and the nacre is rich in sources and cheap, so many Chinese patent medicines use nacre powder instead of pearl powder as medicine. In this paper, amino acid content in the pearl and nacre layers of the spinnaker was determined using an automatic amino acid analyzer. The results are reported below. First, materials and equipment materials Pearl powder: For the family of Hyriopsiscumingii (Lea), a freshwater cultured pearl milled from the family Acipenseridae. Pearl samples (Zhejiang) were provided by Puning Liusha Pharmaceutical Company. Nacre powder: powdered by the processing of the Hyriopsis cum-ingii (Lea) nacre inside