加州鲈鱼又名大口黑鲈,原产于美国加利福尼亚州,是一种适温较广的肉食性鱼类。它不仅肉质鲜美,生长迅速,抗病力强,而且适应性广,南北方都可养殖。一、生活习性加州鲈鱼生长适温12—27℃,生存最低温度2℃,最高温度34℃。该鱼喜欢水质清新,常栖息于塘水的中下层。成鱼最大个体重达9,7公斤,鱼种养殖一年,个体重可达0.5—0.7公斤。鱼苗阶段以浮游动物如轮虫、挠足类、无节幼体、水蚤为饵。稍大后逐步转食比自身细小的虾苗,并以捕食鱼虾类为终生。当幼鱼阶段,经过人工驯饵,则可使其转食人工投喂的新鲜肉料。二、鱼苗繁殖 1、加州鲈鱼属多次产卵鱼类,亲鱼一般1—2年可成熟。产卵季节为3—6月,产卵孵化适温为18—26℃。体重1公斤的亲鱼,怀卵约4
California bass, also known as largemouth bass, native to the United States, California, is a kind of carnivorous fish with a wider temperature range. It is not only delicious meat, rapid growth, disease resistance, and wide adaptability, north and south can be breeding. First, the habits Habitat California bass growth temperature 12-27 ℃, the lowest survival temperature of 2 ℃, the maximum temperature of 34 ℃. The fish like fresh water, often habitat in the middle and lower ponds. The largest adult fish weighing 9,7 kg, fish breeding year, individual weight up to 0.5-0.7 kg. Fry stage with zooplankton such as rotifers, copepods, nauplii, daphnia as bait. Slightly larger and gradually switch to feeding their own small shrimp, and predation of fish and shrimp for life. When the juvenile stage, after artificial tame bait, you can make it fed to feed artificial fresh meat. Second, fry breeding 1, California seabass is spawning fish several times, broodstock generally 1-2 years can be mature. Spawning season is 3-6 months, spawning incubation temperature is 18-26 ℃. 1 kilogram of broodstock, with about 4 eggs