12问:一、多口系数的意义是什么? 二、计算塑料喷灌管道的沿程水头损失,如采用谢维列夫公式: i=0.000685 U~(1.774)/d~(1.226),多口系数应如何计算? 三、《管渠水力计算表》(中国建筑工业出版社,1973年),采用谢维列夫公式,计算钢管、铸铁管和石棉水泥管的沿程水头损失,相应的多口系数应怎样计算? 答:计算喷灌(或滴灌)管道沿程水头损失的多口系数,本刊1978年第四期王金如文章,和1981年第二期瞿树东文章,值得参阅。现具体答复如下。一、多口系数的意义和计算,可作如下说明。
12 Q: First, what is the significance of multi-port coefficient? Second, calculate the head loss of plastic sprinkler pipe along the way, such as the use of Xie Weifu formula: i = 0.000685 U ~ (1.774) / d ~ (1.226) Coefficient should be calculated? Three, “pipe hydraulic calculation table” (China Construction Industry Press, 1973), the use of Xie Weifu formula to calculate the steel pipe, cast iron pipe and asbestos cement pipe along the head loss, the corresponding A: Calculating the multi-port coefficient of head loss along the pipelines of sprinkler irrigation (or drip irrigation), the fourth issue of Wang Jinru in 1978, and the second article of Shu Shudong in 1981 are worth to refer to. The specific reply is as follows. First, the meaning and calculation of multi-port coefficient, can be described as follows.