On the issues of country rich and people rich, although both wealth and democracy are the ultimate pursuit of wealth. However, the two countries have differences and even opposites on such issues as the prospering of our country and the rich and the rich and the rich, the relationship between the rich and the rich and the rich. Wealth of Man Emphasizes the unification of the rich and the rich and the enrichment of the nation, focusing on the rich and the poor. On the contrary, the Wealth of Nations emphasizes the contradictions between the rich and the rich and the rich in our country. Through the comparison between the two, it is necessary to understand the differences and their development between the two and to trace the significance of exploring the transition from the leading to the backward in China’s ancient economy. At the same time, it is pointed out that although the history of modern economic thought divides economic theory into two broad categories, that is, advocating that active state intervenes in social economy and advocates that the state take a laissez-faire attitude toward social economy, it can not simply classify the Wealth of Nations as the former because both are essential s difference.