这里汇集了1 014个新品种葡萄;到2030年,这里葡萄种植面积将达2.7万公顷;这里便是北京延庆,有葡萄博览园,更有葡萄种质资源库。北京葡萄与葡萄酒工程技术研发中心筹建于2012年,中心位于北京市延庆县张山营镇苏庄村南。中心建有7个实验室,分别是土肥实验室、组培室、葡萄病害实验室、葡萄虫害实验室、葡萄采后保鲜实验室、葡萄酒酿造工艺实训室、葡萄酒微生物实验室。下图为葡萄组培室,总面积91平方米,主要从事葡萄组培苗的繁育及园艺作物组培快繁新技术的研究等工作。
Here a total of 1 014 new varieties of grapes are pooled; by 2030, the area planted with grapes will reach 27,000 hectares; here is Beijing Yanqing, a grape expo and more a grape germplasm resource bank. Beijing grape and wine engineering technology research and development center was built in 2012, the center is located in Yanqing County, Beijing Zhang Shanying Su Zhuang village south. The center has seven laboratories, namely soil fertilizer laboratory, tissue culture room, grape disease laboratory, grape pests laboratory, fresh grape post-harvest laboratory, wine brewing training room, wine microbial laboratory. The picture shows the grapes tissue culture room, with a total area of 91 square meters, mainly engaged in the breeding of tissue culture grapes and horticultural crop tissue culture rapid propagation of new technology research work.