在对20世纪90年代以来双边投资协定(Bilateral Investment Treaties,简称BITs)的主要特征和发展趋势进行归纳概述的基础上,文章尝试将BITs与GATS中的核心规则(包括“投资”定义条款、投资自由化条款、投资保护条款、争端解决条款)进行对照分析,并针对GATS的最惠国待遇条款在BITs的适用性问题展开研究,以期在一定程度上把握BITs在规则设计和实施效果上对GATS规则的超越和背离。
Based on an overview of the main features and development trends of Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) since the 1990s, the article attempts to compare the core rules of BITs and GATS (including the definition of “investment” , Investment liberalization clauses, investment protection clauses and dispute settlement clauses), and research on the applicability of GATS MFN clauses in BITs with a view to grasping to some extent the effect of BITs on the design and implementation of GATS Rules beyond and deviate from.