由国家自然科学基金委员会下达的科研课题“大熊猫生物学研究”已由胡锦矗教授等完成。今年3月5日由四川省科学技术委员会、四川省教育委员会组织主持下召开了该课题通讯与会议相结合的成果鉴定会。应邀参加会议的共11个单位,20各代表,通讯鉴定的共24个单位27名同行专家。与会代表听取了研究情况报告,审阅了国内27位同行专家的书面评审意见及有关文件,照片,切片和图纸资料。全体代表对该课题的研究成果认真地进行了审议,一致认为: 1、该研究成果题材广泛,资料系统完整,数据图表准确,论点可靠,研究方案合理,采用技术方法先进,一些子课题研究成果很具特色,研究时间长,工作艰苦细致,
The research project “Giant Panda Biology” issued by the National Natural Science Foundation of China has been completed by Prof. Hu Jinchu. March 5 this year by the Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Commission, organized by the Sichuan Provincial Education Commission under the auspices of the subject communication and conference results of the identification meeting. A total of 11 units invited to attend the meeting, 20 delegates, a total of 24 units of communication appraisal 27 peer experts. Participants listened to the research report, reviewed the 27 domestic peer reviewers written comments and relevant documents, photos, slices and drawings information. All the delegates conscientiously reviewed the research results of the project and agreed that: 1. The research results are extensive in topics, the data system is complete, the data and graphs are accurate, the arguments are credible, the research scheme is reasonable, advanced techniques are adopted, and some sub-topics research results Very unique, long time to study, work hard and meticulous,