1 资料患者男,19岁,工人,因胸闷、胸痛1个月,发热1周,伴晕厥1次于2005年10月8日入院。患者既往体健,2005年9月初,无明显诱因突感胸闷、呼吸困难,间断发作,活动后加重,每次可持续数小时至1天。1周后出现胸痛,伴咳嗽、咳少量白痰、痰中带血,胸痛呈阵发性发作,为双侧前胸尖锐痛,呼吸及咳嗽时加重,持续半小时可缓解。3周后,患者于行走中突感心悸、恶心、大汗,随后出现意识丧失,摔倒在地,约10分钟后意识恢复。其后第3天出现发热,最高38度,于我院门诊
1 data patients male, 19 years old, workers, chest tightness, chest pain for 1 month, fever for 1 week, with syncope 1 in October 8, 2005 admitted to hospital. Past physical health of patients, early September 2005, no obvious incentive to suddenly felt chest tightness, breathing difficulties, intermittent attacks, aggravating after activity, each time for several hours to 1 day. A week later, chest pain, cough, cough with a small amount of white sputum, bloody sputum, chest pain was paroxysmal attack, sharp pain for bilateral anterior chest, respiratory and coughing exacerbated, sustained for half an hour can be alleviated. Three weeks later, the patient was suddenly palpitated, nauseated and sweating while walking, then lost consciousness, fell to the ground, and resumed consciousness in about 10 minutes. After the first 3 days of fever, the highest 38 degrees, in our hospital