沪宁城际高铁是上海到南京的一条时速300km/h的无砟轨道高速铁路,开通于2010年7月1日,全线运营里程301 km,是当时世界上标准最高、里程最长、运营速度最快的城际高速铁路。随着设备运营使用,一些病害也随之显现,高架桥梁桥墩的不均匀沉降便是一个十分典型的病害。如何解决CRTS-1型无砟轨道桥梁的沉降问题,确保高速铁路的运行安全是摆在我们面前一个亟待解决的问题。
The Shanghai-Nanjing inter-city high-speed rail is a 300km / h high-speed ballastless track high-speed railway from Shanghai to Nanjing. Opened on July 1, 2010, the entire line has an operating range of 301 km. It was the highest standard, the longest mileage and the fastest speed in the world The fastest intercity high speed railway. With the operation of equipment, some diseases also appear, uneven settlement of viaduct bridge pier is a very typical disease. How to solve the settlement of CRTS-1 ballastless track bridges and ensure the safe operation of high-speed railway is an urgent problem to be solved before us.