椰子(Cocos nucifera),别名胥余、越王头,是棕榈科椰属植物,为常绿乔木,树高15~35米,属于典型的热带植物,遍布热带地区的50多个国家。椰树原产何地向来众说纷纭,有人说是马来西亚,也有人认为是中美洲,目前尚无定论。海南岛栽培椰子的时间应在汉代以前,司马相如在《上林赋》中称椰子为“胥邪”。最离奇的是晋代嵇含,他在《南方草木状》中写道,椰子大如人头,有两眼,原因是
Cocos nucifera, alias XU YU, the more Wang Tau, is a palm coconut plant, is an evergreen tree, tree height 15 to 35 meters, is a typical tropical plant in more than 50 countries in the tropics. Coco origin has always been different opinions, some say Malaysia, some people think that Central America, there is no conclusion. Hainan Island coconut cultivation time should be before the Han Dynasty, Simaxiangru in the “Shanglin Fu” coconut called “Xu evil.” The most bizarre is the Jin dynasty, he wrote in the “southern grass” like coconut as human head, there are two eyes, the reason is