【摘 要】
If you intend to stay in China for severalyears, then buying a place is more of anoption than renting one. Before you buy According to China’s regulations,foreigners who have spent at leastone yea
If you intend to stay in China for severalyears, then buying a place is more of anoption than renting one.
Before you buy
According to China’s regulations,foreigners who have spent at leastone year in the country either forstudying or for working are eligibleto buy property in China. Furthermore,foreigners are only allowed topurchase property for their own personaluse. If you want to rent propertiesor to use them for commercialreasons, you’ll have to do it in thename of a Chinese corporation eitheras a wholly foreign-owned enterpriseor a joint venture established for thispurpose.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of independence of 17 Sub-Saharan African nationswho broke free from colonial rule between January and December of 1960. An eventful year indeed.In the wake of the
According to the study's international teamof scientists, seismic data collectod in 2005shows that a 60-kin-long rift which swiftly toreacross the country's Afar region is virtuallyidentical to those
Everyone from state leaders to commonparticipants of the sessions spoke repeatedlyof China transforming the pattern of devel-opment in economic and other sectors.
We have been in the queue for the whole dayand will stay here tonight, since the registrationwill start tomorroW' said Dong, who was missingout on a traditional family reunion.
Weaving through the quarter's notorious traffic,a taxi driver said, "In the past, we got things fromFrance and Italy.
Ihe project with PUMA began asa celebration of the fact that theWorld Cup will be in Africa for thefirst time in the history of the WorldCup.
Growing up Chinese-African, with a global worldview Born to a Sudanese father and a Chinesemother, 22-year-old Limya MohamadeAdam feels lucky to have been raisedas part of a bicultural family in Be
April is a month of renewal: the old and staledissipates, heaven and eaxth awaken, new lifebursts forth, jade green willows bud, pink pearflowers bloom and the hint of new growth surgesthrough the bod
The Communist Party of Chinabecomes more accessible inunprecendented move For many years, the Communist Partyof China (CPC) has been blamed forbeing a secretive organization operatingbehind a veil.
Despite the fact that in the past few years, hehasn't made any hiss breakthrough in terms ofincreasing the number of Chinese tourists, Jinremains quite optimistic about the luxury train'sfuture perfor