
来源 :化学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chunwei_song
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邻苯二酚和对苯二酚是重要的工业原料。苯酚一步羟基反应合成苯二酚的方法原子利用率高且节能高效,符合可持续发展的理念。以H_2O_2为氧化剂氧化苯酚合成苯二酚的工艺,流程简单、反应条件温和且绿色环保,成为催化合成领域的研究热点。在该反应中,苯酚的转化率和产物苯二酚的收率高低取决于催化剂的活性。本文综述了近几年在苯酚羟基化制备苯二酚反应中催化剂的研究进展。按照反应体系的不同,催化剂可被分为热催化反应体系中的催化剂和光催化反应体系中的催化剂。催化剂的催化性能主要以苯酚转化率、苯二酚的选择性和稳定性等方面作为评价指标。本文重点介绍了以H_2O_2为氧化剂的液相非均相催化体系中含金属催化剂的研究现状,并在最后对催化剂在苯酚一步羟基化制备苯二酚的反应体系中的制备与应用作了展望。 Catechol and hydroquinone are important industrial raw materials. Phenol one-step hydroxyl reaction method of the synthesis of benzene with high atomic efficiency and energy-efficient and in line with the concept of sustainable development. Oxidation of phenol with H 2 O 2 as oxidant to synthesize hydroquinone has the advantages of simple process, mild reaction conditions and green environmental protection, and has become a research hotspot in the field of catalytic synthesis. In this reaction, the conversion of phenol and the yield of the hydroquinone depend on the activity of the catalyst. This review summarizes recent progress in the catalysts for the hydroxylation of phenol to produce hydroquinone. Depending on the reaction system, the catalyst can be divided into a catalyst in a thermocatalytic reaction system and a catalyst in a photocatalytic reaction system. Catalytic performance of the catalyst mainly in phenol conversion, the selectivity and stability of benzenediol and other aspects as an evaluation index. In this paper, the current research status of metal-containing catalysts in the heterogeneous catalytic system of liquid phase with H 2 O 2 as oxidant is introduced. Finally, the preparation and application of catalysts in the reaction of phenol with one-step hydroxylation of benzenediol are reviewed.
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