1.本文观察了100套国人髋臼标本、其中男性70套,女性30套。 2.髋臼深度男性28.21±2.53毫米,女性27±1.90毫米。髋臼上下最大径男性54.69±3.23毫米,女性50.94±3.34毫米;髋臼前后最大径男性53.97±2.61毫米,女性51.07±3.27毫米。因此髋臼是一个近似于半球形的球窝。男性大于女性。本文通过髋臼大小范围的测量提出了制造人工髋臼按其外径大小分为48毫米、51毫米、54毫米、57毫米,四型的建议。 3.髋臼中心点到耻骨联合面的距离男性86.15±4.6毫米,女性84.66±3.40毫米;髋臼中心点到髂前上棘下缘的距离男性81.10±5.3毫米,女性80.20±4.95毫米;髋臼中心点到坐骨结节的距离男性为79.69±3.95毫米,女性76.20±3.73毫米。这样为确定髋臼在髋骨外侧面的位置提供了数据。 4.通过髋臼的中心射线分别测出此射线与垂直轴所构成的下角(α角),男性为48.29°±3.29,女性为48.7°±3.23;;与髂状轴所构成的外角(β角),男性为44.79°±3.33,女性为42.54°±3.36;与矢状轴所构成的前角(γ角),男性为78.62°±5.16,女性为77.71°±5.64。前角(γ角)在男女性别中差别不大,而下角与外角都有明显的差异,尤以外角差异更大。这在生理功能上有一定的意义。因此,在安装人工髋臼杯时的角度,以下角48°±3°、前角78°±5°、外角男性45°±3°、女性42°±3°较为适宜。
1. This article observed 100 sets of Chinese acetabular specimens, of which 70 were males and 30 females. 2. Acetabular depth male 28.21 ± 2.53 mm, female 27 ± 1.90 mm. The maximum diameter of the upper and lower acetabulum was 54.69 ± 3.23 mm in men and 50.94 ± 3.34 mm in female. The maximum diameter of the acetabulum was 53.97 ± 2.61 mm and the female was 51.07 ± 3.27 mm. Therefore, the acetabulum is a hemispherical ball socket. Men than women. In this paper, the measurement of acetabular size range proposed the manufacture of artificial acetabulum according to its outer diameter size is divided into 48 mm, 51 mm, 54 mm, 57 mm, four types of recommendations. The distance from the center of acetabulum to the pubic symphysis face was 86.15 ± 4.6 mm for male and 84.66 ± 3.40 mm for female; the distance from the center of acetabulum to the inferior edge of anterior superior iliac spine was 81.10 ± 5.3 mm for male and 80.20 ± 4.95 mm for female; The distance from the acetabular center to the ischial tuberosity was 79.69 ± 3.95 mm for males and 76.20 ± 3.73 mm for females. This provided data for determining the position of the acetabulum on the lateral aspect of the hip. 4. The angle (α angle) between the ray and the vertical axis was measured by the central ray of the acetabulum respectively, 48.29 ° ± 3.29 for men and 48.7 ° ± 3.23 for females; and the external angle (β (44.79 ° ± 3.33 for males and 42.54 ± 3.36 for females); and anterior angle (γ angle) with sagittal axis of 78.62 ° ± 5.16 for males and 77.71 ± 5.64 for females. The anterior horn (γ angle) is not much difference between men and women, while there is a clear difference between the lower corner and the outer corner, especially in the outer corner. This has a certain physiological meaning. Therefore, in the installation of artificial acetabular cup angle, the following angle 48 ° ± 3 °, rake 78 ° ± 5 °, male 45 ° ± 3 ° outside angle, female 42 ° ± 3 ° is more appropriate.