应用缓蚀剂防腐工艺技术对于解决油气田的腐蚀防护问题具有重要意义.近年来,国内已研究出各种类型的油气田防腐蚀用缓蚀剂,取得了良好的效果.但对于缓蚀剂在生产中的实际应用,最佳投用量,缓蚀剂在井下存在状况,适用环境及防护效果等问题研究投入很少;由于对这些因素的认识较为肤浅,因此严重制约着缓蚀剂的进一步研究发展和推广应用,从而导致对气田防腐方案的制定带有一定的盲目性,使油气田的腐蚀防护问题变得更加复杂化.为此通过缓蚀剂残余浓度分析和腐蚀挂片结果相结合的方法,推断出可行的缓蚀剂投加量,对油套管的有效保护周期,缓蚀剂在介质中的控制浓度等.通过实验,对缓蚀剂应用技术取得了一些新的认识,以望对缓蚀剂防腐应用技术的研究及防腐方案的制定提供参考依据“,”The corrosion preventing technology by using corrosion inhibitor is of great significance for resolving the corrosion prevention problem in oil and gas fields.In recent years,different types of the inhibitors used in oil and gas fields have been developed,obtaining a good result,but the investment in the research on practical use of inhibitor in production,optimum injection volume,state of inhibitor in downhole,applied surroundings and protection effect,etc.,was very few,thus,the knowledge of these factors was relatively superficial,which seriously restricted the further research on the inhibitor and its wide application and made working out the corrosion preventing plan have a certain blindness and the corrosion prevention problem more complicated.For resolving this problem,the practicable injection volume of the inhibitor,the effective protection period for production casing and the controlling concentration of the inhibitor in medium,etc.were deduced by using the method of combining the residual concentration of the inhibitor with the results of corrosion coupon.Through experiment,some new understandings of applied technique of the inhibitor have been obtained,to expect giving a reference to the research on the corrosion preventing applied technique by using the inhibitor;and a reference to working out the corrosion preventing plan.