由于PACS(医学影像存档和通信系统 )的建立耗资巨大 ,使得一般医院望而生畏。近几年来我院在如何建立经济实用的PACS也做了理论研究和实践试验。根据我国医院建立HIS的情况 ,我们曾经提出应将PACS与HIS并网设计的设想。并在《武警医学》1 999年第 8期上发表?
Because the establishment of PACS (medical image archiving and communication system) is costly, it makes general hospitals daunting. In recent years, our institute has also done theoretical research and practical experiments on how to establish an economical and practical PACS. According to the situation of the establishment of HIS in our hospitals, we have proposed the idea that PACS and HIS should be connected to the network. And was published in the 8th issue of Armed Police Medicine in 999?