Do Most British Still Keep the Traditional Activities such as Afternoon Tea

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Clearly you have been watching too many episodes of Downton Abbey. Anyway, afternoon tea is a posh① (aristocratic/top 0.1% of the population) snack (as we non-aristocrats would call it) between lunch and dinner that was accompanied② by a cup of tea. We regular British people drink tea and eat snacks whenever we feel like it—8am, 9pm, 2am. In my house while I was growing up, we would have a big dinner at lunch time (weekends mainly) and then tea later. This would consist③ of a sandwich and a piece of cake or a biscuit that we ate in front of the telly④. We were too full from the enormous dinner(called lunch in the U.S.) that all we could manage was small meal. Even now the meal after work/ school is called tea whether you drink tea with it or not, and whether it consists of sandwiches or is a main meal.
However, if we visit someone in the afternoon(obviously a planned in advance visit), they will make some scones⑤, cake, sandwiches and other delicious stuff to be served and I suppose that is technically ''afternoon tea''. If they were inviting you for dinner, they would say so. If they say nothing, you will absolutely be offered tea and scones/ sandwiches/biscuits (cookies in the US) or anything else they have.
I grew up in the North of England, so it may be different elsewhere, but that is my experience.
I would like to put forward the case that ""Yes, we do!""
Times have changed, tastes have changed but afternoon tea still exists.
Children come home from school at 4pm. Mum/ Dad will make them a drink and something to eat. Maybe a sandwich, maybe some cake, maybe a cup of tea… Mum/Dad will probably join in. What do you call this..? Afternoon tea!
I go shopping with friends/family to the town centre. We’ve looked in all the shops and now we need to sit down and think about which shops to return to for those final purchases. Look at that, it’s almost 4pm… It may be that we sit down for a capuccino and a couple of macarons but I can only think of one way to describe this… Afternoon tea.
We’re in the offi ce. Boring! We’ve more or less fi nished for the day but the clock says no (it’s 4pm). Someone puts the kettle on and we sit down for a chat about the next few days. Ooh someone found a box of cupcakes… Wow! We've just had… afternoon tea!
We may not be using fl owery teacups. We’re not dressed like characters from Downton Abbey either. We may not sit there for two hours.
But do we still stop at 4pm for a drink and something to eat? YES!
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" 麦克雷文并不是扎克伯格、J.K. 罗琳那样的明星嘉宾。他是四星海军上将,56岁成为美军特种部队的第九任司令。2014年,麦克雷文退役,成为德克萨斯大学系统的校长。谁都没有想到,这会成为美国历史上最精彩的大学毕业演讲之一 。他讲了一个让所有人都意想不到的主题:如果你想改变世界,就要每天早上起床叠被子。   如果早上你铺床了,这相当于你完成了当天的第一个任务,这会给你一个小小的成就感,激励你执行一
" 经济学   当然是让市场这只看不见的手拉他一把呀。   平面设计   打开Photoshop,使用魔棒工具选择水中的辅导员,用 Ctrl 和 Alt 两个快捷键调整辅导员的细节,新建一张干爽的地面,新建一个复制图层。   嗯,这是最快的办法,虽然辅导员会掉不少头发,不过他现在上岸了。   旅游管理   各位游客大家好。我们走近看一下,这里是我们辅导员落水的地方,大家可以拿出手机和相机拍照,10
I hope you make the best of it. I hope you see things that startle① you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you