
来源 :地理学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gag123
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Potentilla fruticosa scrub, Kobresia humilis meadow and Kobresia tibetica meadow are widely distributed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. During the grass exuberance period from 3 July to 4September, based on close chamber-GC method, a study on CO2 emissions from different treatments was conducted in these meadows at Haibei research station, CAS. Results indicated that mean CO2emission rates from various treatments were 672.09+152.37 mgm-2h-1 for FC (grass treatment); 425.41+191.99 mgrn-2h-1 for FJ (grass exclusion treatment); 280.36+174.83 mgrn-2h-1 for FL (grass and roots exclusion treatment); 838.95+237.02 mgm-2h-1 for GG (scrub+grass treatment); 528.48+205.67 mgm-2h-1for GC (grass treatment); 268.97 ±99.72 mgm-2h-1 for GL (grass and roots exclusion treatment); and 659.20±94.83 mgm-2h-1 for LC (grass treatment), respectively (FC, FJ, FL, GG, GC, GL, LC were the Chinese abbreviation for various treatments). Furthermore, Kobresia humilis meadow, Potentilla fruticosa scrub meadow and Kobresia tibetica meadow differed greatly in average CO2 emission rate of soil-plant system, in the order of GG>FC>LC>GC. Moreover, in Kobresia humilis meadow,heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration accounted for 42% and 58% of the total respiration of soil-plant system respectively, whereas, in Potentilla fruticosa scrub meadow, heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration accounted for 32% and 68% of total system respiration from G-G; 49% and 51%from GC. In addition, root respiration from Kobresia humilis meadow approximated 145 mgCO2m-2h-1,contributed 34% to soil respiration. During the experiment period, Kobresia humilis meadow and Potentilla fruticosa scrub meadow had a net carbon fixation of 111.11 grn-2 and 243.89 grn-2,respectively. Results also showed that soil temperature was the main factor which influenced CO2 emission from alpine meadow ecosystem, significant correlations were found between soil temperature at 5 cm depth and CO2 emission from GG, GC, FC and FJ treatments. In addition, soil moisture may be the inhibitory factor of CO2 emission from Kobresia tibetica meadow, and more detailed analyses should be done in further research.
摘要:重视人的全面发展,培养学生完整人格,使他们的个性得到充分的发展,是21世纪中学教育的重要内容,也是当今世界各国教育现代化的重要目标和共同趋向。实行素质教育,创建一个良好的班集体,培育学生完整人格,这是班主任肩上责无旁贷的重任。班主任的基本任务是全面贯彻党的教育方针,按照德、智、体全面发展的要求,来实施对班级的教育和管理工作,使每一位学生都得到健康全面发展。  关键词:班主任;教育和管理;全面
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中图分类号:G852 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2013)06-000-01  摘 要 采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等,提出推广武术文化采取的措施,应注重培育和形成武术市场促进武术产业化措施,坚持武术改革,推动社会化群众习武健身活动,尤其是在年轻人之中的教育传播,武术承继了中国传统文化数千年的文化精髓,其国际传播有助于提升我国文化软实力  关键词 民族传统体育 武术 软实力  一、
中图分类号:G812 文献标识:A 文章编号:1009-9328(2013)06-000-04  摘 要 体育是文化的重要组成部分,其中篮球运动的发展也给文化带来了不少的影响。随着社会的进步,篮球运动在全球得到了广泛的普及,大到一个国家一个省级,小到一个县城一个乡镇。在云南省的东北有一座小城——会泽县,在该县城相当重视篮球运动发展。本文就是通过调查会泽县历时五届“钱王杯”篮球赛的开展,并从物态文化
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