The amalgam was prepared by using Zn, Sn, Au and the amalgam was prepared on the surface of uranium. The coating was characterized by SEM and EDS. The main research was the amalgam method for preparing coating on uranium surface Process, including pre-plating, oxide layer on the coating performance. The results show that it is feasible to use amalgam method to prepare metal coating on uranium surface. This method can be used to produce a well-coated coating on the surface of slightly oxidized sample. The oxide layer is dispersed in the coating during the preparation process. 1: 1HNO3 After removing the oxide layer, it is possible to prepare a high-quality coating with uniform interface and close adhesion. The Zn and Sn coatings in the range of 20-50μm can be prepared in one shot, and thicker Au coatings can be prepared more than once.