Package limitation of carrier’s liability means thc maximunanlount per package or per shipping unit a carrier shall be liable topay for the loss of or damage to the goods. It is a common issue inthe international juridical practice but a contreovery one in the theory worldwide as well, though it is clcarly specified in either the“Hague Rules” or the “Visby Rules” or the “Hamburg Rules”- Be-ing aware of the in1portance and instance of the subject, the wrltertrics to present this paper In the hope to find out the clear answer asto how to convert 100 Pound Sterling or 10000 Francs into nationalcurrencies.The writer also raises a question in this paper about thc impactof different judicial systems on the package limitation under differ-ent maritime conventions and holds that the main reason of the dif-ferences in the implementation of the international conventions isthe different attitudes to the conventions under the different judicialsystems.
Package limitation of carrier’s liability means thc maximunanlount per package or per shipping unit a carrier shall be liable topay for the loss of or damage to the goods. It is a common issue inthe international juridical practice but a contreovery one in the theory worldwide as well, though it is clcarly specified in either the “Hague Rules” or the “Visby Rules” or the “Hamburg Rules” - Be-aware aware of the in1portance and instance of the subject, the wrltertrics to present this paper In the hope to find out the clear answer asto how to convert 100 Pound Sterling or 10000 Francs into nationalcurrencies. The writer also raises a question in this paper about thc impactof different judicial systems on the package limitation under differ-ent maritime conventions and holds that the main reason of the dif-ferences in the implementation of the international conventions is the different attitudes to the conventions under the different judicial systems.