山西省地震学会第二届会员代表会暨学术年会于1984年4月11日至16日在太原举行。参加会议的代表共计70余人。 首届理事会理事长王汉甫同志致开幕词。 首届理事会常务理事、副秘书长齐书勤同志代表首届理事会对山西省地震学会从78年5月23日创建以来六年的历史做了回顾,向大会报告了几年来学会完成的主要工作;总结了搞学会工作的体会。 大会于4月13日选举出山西省地震学会第二届理事会,新理事会成员共27名。理事会下设学术工作、编辑工作、烈度鉴定,普及教育工作等四个委员会。 大会通过了《山西省地震学会章程》,新章程分总则、会员、组织机构、经费、附则等五章。
The Seismological Society of Shanxi Province, the second member representative conference and academic annual meeting was held in Taiyuan from April 11 to April 16, 1984. A total of more than 70 people attended the meeting. The first council chairman comrade wang hanfu delivered an opening speech. On behalf of the first council, Comrade Qi Shuqin, standing director and deputy secretary-general of the first council made a review of the history of Shanxi Seismological Society since its establishment on May 23, 1978, and reported to the congress the main work accomplished in the past few years; Learn to learn the work experience. On April 13, the General Assembly elected the second session of the Shanxi Seismological Society a total of 27 members of the new council. Council under the academic work, editorial work, intensity identification, universal education and other four committees. The General Assembly adopted the “Seismological Association of Shanxi Province,” the new statute sub-rules, membership, organization, funding, supplementary provisions of five chapters.