贵州省位于我国西南云贵高原东部,海拔约1000公尺(最低300余公尺,最高2200公尺以上),气候温和,雨量充沛,水稻是本省主要粮食作物之一。 在伟大领袖和导师毛主席“备战、备荒、为人民”和“深挖洞,广积粮,不称霸”的伟大战略方针指引下,我省水稻生产迅速发展,双季稻栽培面积日益扩大,随着耕作制度的改革,品种增多,播、栽期提早,收获期延迟,导致病虫害严重,尤其稻飞虱发生普遍,危害猖獗,在黔南、黔东南和铜仁各县局部地区,常因稻飞虱危害造成极大的损失,受害重的稻田,一塘一塘甚至成块的枯死,如似火烧,减产30—70%,有的颗粒无收。 近年来,为保证水稻增产,我们对稻飞虱开展协作,进行了调查研究,现将初步结果,综合简报如下,
Guizhou Province is located in the east of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in southwestern China, with an altitude of about 1,000 meters (minimum 300 meters and maximum of 2,200 meters) with a mild climate and abundant rainfall. Rice is one of the major grain crops in the province. Guided by the great strategic principle of “preparing for war, preparing for famine and for the people” and “digging deep holes, expanding grain and not seeking hegemony” by great leaders and supervisors Chairman Mao, the province’s rice production has been developing rapidly and the cultivation area of double-crop rice has been expanding day by day. With the reform of farming system, more varieties, sowing and planting earlier, the harvest period is delayed, resulting in serious pests and diseases, especially the widespread occurrence of planthoppers, the dangers rampant in Qiannan, Qiandongnan and Tongren counties in some areas, often due to rice Planthopper damage caused great losses, heavily affected paddy fields, ponds and even a block of dead, like fire, cut 30-70%, and some crop failure. In recent years, in order to ensure the rice yield increase, we carried out research on the planthoppers and carried out investigation and research. The preliminary results and the summary report are as follows: