孔子自称“述而不作 ,信而好古”。这述作之义 ,其核心即强调文化生命历史连续性的文化阐释原则。这一连续性的内容 ,即自然与文明或质与文的连续。“质”或自然 ,是“文”的发展之合理性的界限。质、文之连续 ,亦即天人之合一。在这个意义上 ,“文”的“作”亦即“不作”。文化表现为一质、文之张力关系中的生命连续 ,同时 ,亦总是作为“传统”以此“不作”之“作”的方式活在我们之中的东西 ,这正是我们总能有所“作”的原创性之本。近代以来 ,文化的“断裂性”和历史“记忆的短暂” ,造成了中国文化人文和精神资源积累与原创性的不足。孔子“述而不作”的文化阐释原则 ,在今天的文化建设中仍有其重要的意义
Confucius claimed to be “not writing, believing in ancient things.” At its core, the principle of cultural interpretation emphasizes the historical continuity of cultural life. The continuity of the content, that nature and civilization or quality and continuity of the article. “Quality” or nature is the rationale for the development of “文”. Quality, the text of the continuous, that is, a combination of man and nature. In this sense, the “writing” of “writing” means “not making”. Culture manifests itself as a quality, and life in tension in the paper is continuous. At the same time, it always serves as the “tradition” to live within us as a “do-not-for-all” The “made” by the originality of the book. Since modern times, the “fragmentation” of culture and the “short-lived memory” of history have resulted in the accumulation of Chinese cultural, cultural and spiritual resources and the lack of originality. The principle of cultural interpretation of Confucius “describing without doing” still has its significance in the cultural construction of today