1经过 1997年1月 14日由泰和县澄江镇南门村仔猪贩运户刘才榆等人,随雇本县车辆从湖北省贩运仔猪172头回泰和,未报检,直接转手批销给本县马市、苏汲及邻县二贩104头,剩余分批以自养名义联手在邻近乡镇销售。16日该批仔猪在本县马市镇贩销户中发现病症,经
1 On January 14, 1997, Liu Ciyu and other piglet traffickers from Nanmen Village, Chengjiang Town, Taihe County were sent back to Taihe with 172 vehicles from Hubei Province for trafficking in piglets. 104 in Suzhou, Suji and neighboring counties. The remaining batches were sold in the neighboring townships in the name of self-support. On the 16th the batch of piglets in the county town horse dealers found illness, after