Biological Effects of Cloth Containing Specific Ore Powder in Patients with Pollen Allergy

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mahuanchun
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Objective The custom-homebuilding company,Cosmic Garden Co.Ltd.,located in Okayama City,Japan was established in 1997 and uses specific natural ore powder(SNOP) in wall materials and surveys customers in order to improve allergic symptoms.Methods To investigate the biological effects of SNOP,patients with a pollen allergy were recruited to stay in a room surrounded by cloth containing SNOP(CCSNOP),and their symptoms and various biological parameters were compared with those of individuals staying in a room surrounded by control non-woven cloth(NWC).Each stay lasted 60 min.Before and immediately after the stay,a questionnaire regarding allergic symptoms,as well as POMS(Profile of Mood Status) and blood sampling,was performed.Post-stay minus pre-stay values were calculated and compared between CCSNOP and NWC groups.Results Results indicated that some symptoms,such as nasal obstruction and lacrimation,improved,and POMS evaluation showed that patients were calmer following a stay in CCSNOP.Relative eosinophils,non-specific Ig E,epidermal growth factor,monocyte chemotactic protein-1,and tumor necrosis factor-α increased following a stay in CCSNOP.Conclusion This ore powder improved allergic symptoms,and long-term monitoring involving 1 to 2 months may be necessary to fully explore the biological and physical effects of SNOP on allergic patients. Objective The custom-homebuilding company, Cosmic Garden Co. Ltd., located in Okayama City, Japan was established in 1997 and uses specific natural ore powder (SNOP) in wall materials and surveys customers in order to improve allergic symptoms. Methods To investigate the biological effects of SNOP, patients with a pollen allergy were recruited to stay in a room surrounded by cloth containing SNOP (CCSNOP), and their symptoms and various biological parameters were compared with those of individuals staying in a room surrounded by control non-woven cloth (NWC) .Each stay lasted 60 min.Before and immediately after the stay, a questionnaire regarding allergic symptoms, as well as POMS (Profile of Mood Status) and blood sampling, was performed. Post-stay minus pre-stay values ​​were and compared between CCSNOP and NWC groups. Results Results indicated that some symptoms, such as nasal obstruction and lacrimation, improved, and POMS evaluation showed that the patients were calmer following a stay in CCSNOP . Relative eosinophils, non-specific Ig E, epidermal growth factor, monocyte chemotactic protein-1, and tumor necrosis factor-α increased following a stay in CCSNOP. Contact This ore powder improved allergic symptoms, and long-term monitoring involving 1 to 2 months may be necessary to fully explore the biological and physical effects of SNOP on allergic patients.
从李公麟 《临韦偃牧放图》 的题跋、 印章为线索,通过粗略的分析,考证了故宫博物院所藏的李公麟 《临韦偃牧放图》 的递藏关系:北宋宋徽宗—南宋宋高宗、 贾似道—明朝朱元