Middle-aged men, anemia, hyperviscosity, renal insufficiency, urinalysis, elevated IgM, κ-IgM monoclonal immunoglobulin bands, and bone marrow biopsies suggest FHM. Renal histopathology see diffuse tubular atrophy, tubulointerstitial thickening significantly; interstitial eosinophilic infiltration; glomerular lesions lighter. Immunofluorescence immunoglobulin and complement staining negative. Light chain staining showed glomerular capillary loop, tubular basement membrane, kappa light chain staining positive. Electron microscope, see glomerular capillaries 袢 basement membrane inside edge, Baoman capsule wall, the outer edge of the basement membrane of the renal tubular, vascular wall see sediment-like electron dense deposits. Combined with clinical and pathological diagnosis of Fahrenheit macroglobulinemia-related light chain deposition disease with acute interstitial nephritis.