Trail Blazing Transformation

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  Over 60 years ago, there was a vast expanse of sparselyinhabited land stretching over 57,600 square km to thenorth of China’s northeastern Heilongjiang Province,bor-dering Russia.
A lot of Beijing expats carp atChristmas here because of celebra-tion allegedly without regard for itstree spirit.
Equestrian fails will be heading to HongKong for the 2008 Olympics host cityof the event’s horse racing competi-tions.
Recently, China has become the topchoice for some coal exporters.This comes despite the fact thatChina used to be the world’s sec-ond largest coal exporter and is stillthe world’s largest coal produce
Although the stock index fund wasn’tlaunched in the first half of this yearas was previously anticipated,Wang Liangguang still decided toopen all account in a futures tradingcompany.
Aseries of commemorative and festive activities have beencarried out over the past few weeks on the Chinese main-Land, in Hong Kong, and in many Chinese comnmunitiesworldwide, in the run up to the 10t
Although the price of pork has steadiedafter continuous hikes since April,the consumer price index (CPI) hasbeen boosted by the rising price, mievent that has caught the attention ofthe public.
The electionof Dr. MargaretChan as theDirector-Generalof WHO inNovember 2006marks the firsttime that aChinese nationalhas headed aUnited Nationsagency.
Zhang Rongchen: The found-ing of the CPC in July 1921 wasdirectly influenced by the OctoberRevolution in Russia in 1917.However, the CPC was foundedfor the specific needs of theChinese revolutionary s
The 17-Article Agreement gained the approval and support of people of all ethnic groups in Tibet. On September 26-29, 1951, the local Tibetan government held a meeting to discuss the Agreement, joined
Buzz is really thc one word thatsums up how I feel about HongKong. The crowds, the freneticpace, the relentless jackham-mers.