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【作 者】
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'; } echo $str; ?>
【机 构】
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【出 处】
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'; } ?>
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在高中英语教学中,任务型阅读法自被提出以来,经过研究逐步进步,现已被教师所熟悉了解并应用在实际教学中。本文通过对任务型阅读法的概念、实际应用的方法和应注意的问题等方面来探讨在高中课堂中的实际应用,从而发挥这一科学教学方法在课堂中的作用。 In high school English teaching, task-based reading since its inception, after gradual improvement of research, teachers have now been familiar with and used in the actual teaching. This article explores the practical application of the task-based reading method in the classroom of senior high school through the concept of the task-based reading method, the practical application of the method and the problems to be noticed in order to exert the role of this scientific teaching method in the classroom.
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