
来源 :江西教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heishenggg
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没有三尺讲台,教室四周全是黑板。课堂上,老师往日的“一言堂”已不见踪影,取而代之的是学生个个才思敏捷,能言善辩。这就是让金溪二中走出一条独具特色的办学之路的“315自主探究课堂”的剪影。如今,在这块史称“临川才子金溪书”的文风鼎盛之地,金溪二中正在以大爱式教育为学生们编织美丽的未来。 There is no ruler, the classroom is full of blackboards around. Classroom, the teacher's past, “a word of the Church,” has disappeared, replaced by the students are all quick-witted, can be eloquent. This is the outline of “315 Self-Study Classroom” for Jinxi Second School to walk out of a unique school. Today, in this piece of history known as “Linchuan Talent Jinxi Book,” the peak of the style of writing, Jin Xi Er Zhong is a love-style education for students to weave a beautiful future.