国外早年即注意到输液中存在微粒的问题,如1963年 Garvan 等报道[Med J Aust,2,140,1963],当时澳大利亚、英国、菲律宾和美国等所生产的静脉输液中均含有大量肉眼看不见的微粒。次年他们发表了静注液中的微粒对人们的危害性[Ibid,1,2,1964],引起了大家的关注。大量的报道证实控制输液微粒的重要性。1966年美国成立了微粒协会(PMA),足见这一工作的重要。
The early years of foreign countries noticed the presence of microparticles in the transfusion, as reported by Garvan et al. In 1963 [Med J Aust, 2, 140, 1963], when large volumes of invisible transients were produced in intravenous fluids produced in Australia, the United Kingdom, the Philippines and the United States particle. The following year they published a note on the dangers of particles in intravenous fluids [Ibid, 1, 2, 1964], aroused everyone’s attention. Numerous reports confirm the importance of controlling fluid particles. The formation of the PMA in 1966 in the United States shows the importance of this work.