Obsessed with the Internet, has become a common feature of the vast number of young people. According to statistics, there are currently nearly 6 million people in the country suffering from “Internet Addiction Syndrome”, of which nearly 2.5 million are minors, half of whom are violent. Patients indulge in online chat or online games, over time unable to extricate themselves, so mentally excluded real life, physically dizzy, limb weakness, loss of appetite, a sharp decline in health, and even serious thoughts and behavior of suicides. Teenagers who are infatuated with Internet cafes often abstain from truancy and their nights do not go to bed overnight, which has caused uneasiness in the entire community. Professor Tao Hongkai of Wuhan started doing the activity of “saving online addicts.” There was a loss of control at the first meeting of parents. Some parents cried and begged to him, and some begged him Save their children - the Internet where so much charm? Why children so obsessed with the online world? Faced with the surging Internet addiction, parents and the community in the end how to deal with?