目的:评价牙周病患牙在采用不同治疗方法后根面内毒素存在情况及其数量变化.方法:选择90个有严重骨吸收的单根牙周病患牙,拔除后随机分成3组.第1组为对照组,不作任何治疗;第2组用Gracey 刮治器行刮治及根面平整术;第3组用新型超声装置Vector 系统(Dürr Dental)行刮治及根面平整术.术后磨取各组患牙牙根表面物质,溶于水后用鲎试剂法定量检测内毒素浓度.结果:对照组内毒素浓度为0.825 EU/mL,Gracey组为0.240 EU/mL,Vector系统组为0.184 EU/mL.结论:刮治和根面平整术可有效减少牙周病患牙根面内毒素含量,Vector系统的去除效果优于Gracey刮治器.“,”Objective:To estimate the presence and the quantity of endotoxin of periodontally involved root surfaces after root surface debridement.Methods:Ninety single rooted teeth with severe bone resorption were selected,which were scheduled for extraction.The teeth were randomly assigned into 3 groups.The teeth in the first group were served as control and they did not receive any debridement.The teeth in the second group were scaled and root planned with Gracey curettes.The teeth in the third group were debrided with the new ultrasonic device VectorTM-system (Dürr Dental).The endotoxin concentrations before and after debridement were assessed by Limulus Amebocyte Lysat (LAL).Results:The concentration of endotoxin of periodontally involved teeth in the control group was 0.825 EU/ml.Scaling and root planning resulted in a significant reduction of the values as follows:Gracey curettes 0.240 EU/ml,VectorTM-system 0.184 EU/ml.Conclusion:Scaling and root planning leads to obvious reduction of the endotoxin on periodontally involved root surfaces and VectorTM-system is comparatively more effective than Gracey curettes.