杨承宗,放射化学家,新 中国放射化学奠基人。1911 年生于江苏省吴江县,1932 年上海大同大学理学士毕业, 留校任教,1934年至1946年 底,在国立北平研究院物理镭 学研究所任助理研究员、副 研究员。1947年起在巴黎大 学居里实验室师从伊莱娜·约里奥·居里夫人进修放射化学,获博士学位。1951年秋回国,任中科院近代物理研究所(原子能所)放射化学研究室和放射性同位素应用研究室两个研究室主任,1958年起调任中国科学技术大学放射化学和辐射化学系系主任,教授。1961年至1969年底兼任国家第二机械部铀研究所副所长主
Yang Chengzong, radiochemist, founder of radiochemistry in New China. He was born in Wujiang County, Jiangsu Province in 1911, graduated from Shanghai Datong University with a Bachelor of Science in 1932 and taught at the university. From 1934 to the end of 1946, he was an assistant researcher and associate researcher at the Institute of Physical Radiology at the National Peiping Research Institute. From 1947, he studied radiochemistry at the University of Paris in Curie and obtained a doctorate from Mrs. Ileana João Curie. Returning in the autumn of 1951, he served as director of the two research laboratories of the Radiation Chemistry Research Laboratory and the Radioisotope Applications Research Laboratory of the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since 1958 he has been transferred to the director and professor of Department of Radiation Chemistry and Radiation Chemistry of University of Science and Technology of China. From 1961 to the end of 1969, he served as the deputy director of the uranium institute of the Second Ministry of Machinery