目的通过行为疗法对10例维吾尔族异常语音患者进行语音治疗,探讨行为疗法在维吾尔族异常语音患者语音治疗中的效果。方法腭裂术后腭咽闭合良好构音障碍者6例,功能性构音障碍者4例;男性5例,女性5例,年龄4.0~18.0岁,平均9.7岁。采用行为疗法进行语音治疗,并在治疗前后定量检测汉语语音清晰度和吹水泡试验。结果 10例患者语音清晰度由平均51.21%提高到98.58%,吹水泡时间由平均4.5s提高到20s左右。结论行为疗法是维吾尔族异常语音患儿有效的语音治疗方法,但需要语音师的正确引导和个体化的应用。
Objective To investigate the effect of behavioral therapy on speech therapy of Uygur anomalous voice patients by behavioral therapy in 10 cases of Uygur abnormal voice patients. Methods Six cases of velopharyngeal velopharyngeal obstruction with good dysarthria and four patients with functional dysfunction were treated. Five males and five females, aged from 4.0 to 18.0 years old, averaged 9.7 years old. Behavioral therapy for speech therapy, and quantitative detection of Chinese speech clarity and blistering test before and after treatment. Results The speech intelligibility of 10 patients increased from 51.21% to 98.58%, and the blistering time increased from 4.5s to 20s. Conclusion Behavioral therapy is an effective method of speech therapy in children with abnormal uygur speech, but it requires the correct guidance and individualization of speech masters.