Statistical properties of pseudo-particle systems

来源 :Particuology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jwh346048162
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Pseudo-particle modeling(PPM),a molecular modeling method which combines time-driven algorithms and hard molecule modeling,was originally developed for simulating gas in complex multiphase systems(Ge & Li,2003;Ge et al.,2005;Ge,1998).In this work,the properties of two-and three-dimensional pseudo-particle systems,namely,mean free path,compressibility factor,self-diffusion coefficient and shear viscosity,are systematically measured by using PPM.It is found that in terms of an effective diameter,the results well conform to the Chapman-Enskog theory,thus suggesting that PPM can be employed to simulate the micro-and meso-scale behavior of ordinary gas and fluid flows. Pseudo-particle modeling (PPM), a molecular modeling method that combines time-driven algorithms and hard molecule modeling, was originally developed for simulating gas in complex multiphase systems (Ge & Li, 2003; Ge et al., 2005; Ge, 1998 In this work, the properties of two-and three-dimensional pseudo-particle systems, namely, mean free path, compressibility factor, self-diffusion coefficient and shear viscosity, are systematically measured by using PPM.It is found that in terms of an effective diameter, the results well conform to the Chapman-Enskog theory, thus suggesting that PPM can be employed to simulate the micro-and meso-scale behavior of ordinary gas and fluid flows.
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