励精图治 创大业绩——记青岛市港务局局长常德传

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具有百年历史的青岛港,是我国五大口岸之一,观为国家二级企业,拥有职工1.6万人。改革开放,特别是1989年实行局长负责制以来,青岛港的改革和建设迅猛发展。六年来,港口吞吐量完成1.5866亿吨,实现利税4.48亿元。1992年、1993年连续被评为全国质量效益型企业,连续六年获山东省思想政治工作优秀企业称号;1994年被青岛市委、市政府命名为“突出贡献单位”,局长常德传为“突出贡献个人”。 With a history of 100 years, Qingdao Port is one of the five major ports in our country. It is a state-level secondary enterprise with 16,000 employees. Since the reform and opening up, especially since the introduction of the director responsible system in 1989, the reform and construction of the port of Qingdao have been developing rapidly. In the past six years, the port throughput reached 158.66 million tons, with a profit of 448 million yuan. In 1992 and 1993, he was successively rated as a national quality-benefit enterprise and the outstanding enterprise of ideological and political work in Shandong Province for six consecutive years. In 1994, he was named “Outstanding Contribution Unit” by Qingdao Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. Director Chang Dechuan was “Outstanding Contribute to individuals. ”
Satellite geodesy is capable of observing glacier height changes and most recent studies focus on the decadal scale due to limitations of data acquisition and p